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This 6-month training program prepares students for professional careers by providing a core set of general skills needed to succeed in any business or organization. Upon successful completion, students are awarded a "Certificate of Completion in Professional Development” (CPD).

This course is intended to prepare students for a fulfilling professional career in whatever field of endeavor they may choose. The core courses taught in the PDP carry over to any organization or field of endeavor, including entrepreneurship.

Students take courses in the following areas: language & communication, workplace skills & professionalism; financial literacy; and business development. Upon completion of the program, students are equipped with the tools to think critically and the discipline to contribute meaningfully to their organization or field of endeavor.

Each of these core courses are taught by working professionals from a variety of fields. These highly qualified instructors work with students to develop highly marketable skills that prepare them to make tangible PRACTICAL contributions to the workplace. 

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