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The Aquaculture Enterprise Development program offers two training courses. The 6-month Certificate in Aquaculture Operations trains people to become proficient in the technical aspects of aquaculture operation. This is in contrast to the 3-month Certificate in Aquaculture Entrepreneurship which provides graduates the means to start and operate aquaculture enterprises.

The 3-month program provides students the skills and the operational assets to start and operate thriving fish farmers. The program is designed to provide the necessary grounding for new entrants to go from absolute novices to confident commercial aquaculturists. It is also very helpful to current or aspiring owners of aquaculture operations who are seeking to expand their enterprises.  

The 6-month program is more suited for individuals who work (or seek to work) in aquaculture operations and are looking to improve their skills, or individuals who are seeking technical mastery of aquaculture operations. It is designed to improve the technical and operational proficiency of aquaculture employees and practitioners. 

The details of the two programs are described below.

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