The School of Experiential Learning

The School of Experiential Learning (SEL) is focused on creating and supporting technical entrepreneurs. It is differentiated from the College of General Studies (CGS) because SEL courses typically include a practicum component which is aimed at the development of a new enterprise or the expansion of an existing one.  The focus in SEL is experiential.  In addition to a firm conceptual and theoretical grounding, students  at IDMANN SEL are expected to spend a majority of their time learning by doing. This focus on hands-on, practical, experiential learning is a key feature of IDMANN Institute.

The typical graduate of SEL is looking to create an enterprise that would lead to self-employment and even job creation for others, or expand an existing one to expand prosperity and national development. The instruction in SEL is geared toward supporting students to envision, start and grow their businesses. SEL courses are practical and are focused on facilitating the entrepreneurial process.

Currently, the School of Experiential Learning offers the following Diploma courses:

  • The International Trade/Export Development Program:
    • This program prepares students to develop products and acquire the skills needed to effectively enter foreign markets. A distinct focus of this program is to assist registered students to develop products for the North American (US/Canada) and Western European markets. This program draws from the resources of CGS to provide general training in financial literacy and then focuses in on the specific capabilities needed to develop products for foreign markets. It also covers the key regulatory and logistical elements that underpin cross-border trade, and provides practical support to students in developing their products and services for international market entry.
  • The Aquaculture Enterprise Development Program:
    • This program helps students who may NEVER have thought of fish farming as a business opportunity or professional option, to acquire the skills - and operational assets - needed to become thriving fish farmers. This program is designed to provide the necessary grounding for new entrants to go from absolute novices to confident commercial aquaculturists, as well as improve the technical and operational proficiency of practicing aquaculturists.
  • The Applications Development/Computer Enterprise Program:
    • This program teaches students a variety of applications development and computer programming skills to enable them become independent developers of digital applications. Students are taught a number of programming languages and are guided to mastery of a variety of programming environments. Business applications development and management is covered in the course. Furthermore, the program provides due emphasis on applications for mobile devices as well as the emerging field of gaming and electronic entertainment. Students are also introduced to the sales and marketing of their applications and the available avenues for funding their digital enterprises.

(More courses are planned for the next academic year. Descriptions of these programs are available on this web site.)

In most cases, students registered in SEL start by taking courses from CGS. The Diplomas awarded by SEL often include a considerable amount of general education via CGS courses. These CGS courses (which are designed to create a broad-base of general skills for registered students) provide the firm theoretical and conceptual framework for students to pursue the trade-specific or industry-specific studies offered in SEL, in support of their respective enterprises.

Because of the practicum component, most diploma programs in the School of Experiential Learning run for 18 months as compared to the College of General Studies where courses typically run for 12 months or less.  Furthermore, upon successful completion of their studies, eligible students may apply to the Enterprise Development Fund for support in the development of their businesses. IDMANN Institute also provides a variety of interventions to assist students in their evolution to becoming technical entrepreneurs. Interested students may review the Enterprise Development Fund to learn more about the support available to eligible IDMANN students.

Intending students can complete the entire application to SEL programs via this web site. 

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