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This 6-month program is designed to support students to develop thriving export enterprises. The program supports students to accomplish three things: (a) Explore and understand foreign markets with a focus on the preferences of foreign consumers and the expectations of foreign buyers.  (b) Learn how to develop and improve products to meet those expectations. (c) Package, ship and ACTUALLY sell those products in the indicated foreign markets for a profit. The program is designed to assist students practically through the entire process on the way to earning a Certificate in Export Development.

The course is designed around three core modules: product development, enterprise development, and market entry. Students start from the product development effort to advance to the development of their enterprises and then focus on the mechanics of market entry. The program utilizes a Six Sigma approach to discipline the product development process.

Students are expected to imbibe a disciplined and structured approach to the development of their products and the growth of their enterprises. This discipline is intended to reflect not only in their products (or services) but in the operations that underpin those offerings.

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