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The 6-month Six Sigma and Productivity Management Program (SSP) provides students with the practical training needed to become qualified, proficient quality improvement practitioners. Students initially are prepared to gain their Yellow Belt certification before proceeding through to the training that support their eventual Green Belt certification.

The program is intense as it drives students to develop the practical and critical skills they need to successfully complete process improvement projects in their respective organizations. This program provides students with the practical training needed to drive organizational change and productivity improvement from the very start of the training process.

Incoming students are assumed to have an interest but no formal background in productivity improvement, and are taken from the introductory courses in the Six Sigma methodology to an initial certification as Six Sigma Yellow Belts. Further training will prepare students for certification as Green Belts and eventually as Green Belts. Students are expected to complete their formal testing and receive their certification through any of the recommended Six Sigma certification bodies.

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