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The Agricultural Microentrepreneur Program (AMP) is designed for one purpose - to help participants become successful, profitable farmers. The program is specifically designed to  accommodate those looking at entering farming later in their careers. These include mid to senior-level working professionals, retirees, and those seeking secondary sources of income. The goal of the program is to help individuals who have no experience (but significant interest) to learn what they need to know to become agricultural microentrepreneurs.

Led by highly experienced instructors and practitioners, the program emphasizes hands-on, practical learning. Furthermore, the program provides students a buyback option on the crops they grow (via a participating offtaker), so market access ceases to be a problem. That way, they focus on running efficient and proficient farming operations. 

The 6-month Certificate in Agricultural Microentrepreneurship is organized along two tracks; one track is for those interested in staples and root crops (e.g. cassava, yam, rice, etc.) while the second track is for those interested in vegetables, fruits and exotics. Both tracks offer the buyback option so as to ensure that upon completion of their program, trainees are able to start commercial operation in a timely and seamless manner. The program also provides some guidance on the potential for export of the agricultural products drawing from our International Trade & Export Development Program. (Interested students may also wish to consider our Aquaculture Enterprise Development Program.)

The 6-month AMP provides students the skills and the operational assets to start and operate thriving farms. The program is designed to provide the necessary grounding for new entrants to go from absolute novices to confident commercial farmers. It is also very helpful to current or aspiring owners of farm operations who are seeking to better manage or expand their enterprises. The program is specifically designed to include those looking to enter agriculture, possibly as a second or latter-stage profession. So it provides the tools for working professionals, retirees, and practicing entrepreneurs (in other fields) to start their agricultural enterprise.

Not only does the program provide training, it also provides ONGOING advice and technical support for students as they grow their agricultural microenterprises. This includes access to remote consultations with experts, as well as interaction with other trainees and colleagues via collaborative platforms that foster shared learning and experiences, WELL BEYOND the base training period.

The details of the program are described below.

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