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According to studies, more than half of new supervisors and managers receive little or no training before taking on their new responsibilities. This often results in sub-par, and occasionally, detrimental performance by new supervisors. The Supervisory Training Program (STP) at IDMANN Institute is a hands-on, collaborative learning program that helps current and aspiring entry-level supervisors acquire the tools and capabilities they need to succeed.

The program is broad-based and includes students from various industries including retail, construction, health & medical, finance, agriculture, manufacturing, food processing, and small-scale industries, amongst others. The program teaches participants the critical skills needed to succeed as a supervisor; it presents communication and motivational tools that can be used to create productive and enthusiastic teams.

Students learn to identify the organization's mission, objectives, processes, regulations, and management of human resources in order to contribute to the organization's success. The program also provides solid grounding in the legal, regulatory and cultural elements needed to be an effective supervisor. Students also learn how to communicate effectively, be motivated, and motivate their teams, all with the aim of achieving operational benchmarks and organizational goals.

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